Three Saved

Book Update:

The past few months people have seen my email address in the back of my books and have sent me numerous letters. My first book Yes, God Does Speak has been out for months now and this past couple weeks something cool has happened.

Seven people have given their lives to Jesus. One wrote me a personal letter of how this happened and another called me and yet another told their friend to tell me that the book helped them better understand what it means to know God and they too decided to follow Jesus.

This makes the words on those pages worth writing and reading. When there is fruit produced from our works then it has value to both God and us. Apart from God there is nothing of worth, but with God anything is possible.

Today I am humbled, in part because God chose to use me for His purposes, but also because I have come to know how He loves us so. You are also loved and cherished and someday we will know this even more.

There will be a point in time when we will stand beforer the Great I AM and will have to give an account of our lives and on that day when I stand before Him, He will say to me three came to know me in part because you were faithful to write the words I entrusted you to write.

So on this day I can now say all the struggles to get these books written, edited and published was worth it, because someone came to know My Savior and Lord and for that I will be forever grateful that My Father chose me for such a task as writing a book for Him to use for His glory.
